Saturday, March 29, 2008


So I was planning to write a really terrific post to begin my series on cities (a new feature for the blog), but I'm feeling like total CRAP, so I'm not going to. I'm not a very good sick person; I can't focus very well, and I can be pretty crabby. So I'm going to bed early tonight, with hopes that my head will feel neither quite so large nor quite so full in the morning.

On an interesting side note, when I typed "sick" into Google Image Search to try to find a little something to put at the top of this post, several pictures of Tom Cruise came up. Funny.



Momma said...

Lindsay, Your typing even sounds sick. I for sure hope you are feeling better. You are a dear, dear girl and should NEVER have to endure the snuffle, sneezy, achie, crud.
I sincerely hope you are back to your happy, sunny, sparkly self.
Love forever, Your Mother in Law!

P and L said...

Thank you and I am.