Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's Saturday.

Well, the drawing is over (Congrats to the Winner!) and we have the whole weekend off, but didn't really want to leave the house. Yesterday after work we went to the MET and looked at the new Costume Institute exhibit (Lovely), and took a walk through Central Park (Lovely but for the wind). So, this morning we could see the day before us and it was shaping up to be a very grown-up Saturday. A bit of cleaning, a dash of dishes, walking the dog, and a smidgen of shopping (grocery, not the fun kind.) I am like an eight year old and have to be told that no one enjoys doing these things but they have to be done. (Peter Pan and Wendy complexes abound at our house on the weekend. Feel free to close you openly shocked mouths.) But the topic of something creative was also discussed and finally it was decided that we should make art.
I had picked up some discarded canvases on one of my walks home and they have been sitting under the couch since. We had brought home a lot of stuff from our Euro trip and had not used (or even figured out how to use) these things. And so we pulled it all out sat down and our own little tables in the kitchen and whipped up these...

There was some talk, early on, about one artist being better than the other, but such discussion soon proved unfounded. They really turned out cool and not only do they remind us of our wonder-filled trip abroad (which we promise to stop talking about), but also of this lazy day before Easter when we spent time getting glue on our sleeves and bartering over who got which piece of memorabilia, and remembering that the best part of Europe was spending whole days in a place that we love, with the person that we love more. It sounds a lot like today. And so we walk the dog.



Kristen said...

MaryLou told me about your blog, and as I am addicted to reading about other people's lives (I think it's called being nosy)I had to find it. I would have commented sooner, but I didn't want you to think I was one of those relative that comes out of the woodwork when there is a fancy mug up for grabs. You are as funny and entertaining as ever, and I thoroughly enjoy your posts.
Love your Henderson cousin,

P.S. Great artwork! I'd say it was a Saturday well spent.

Dottie Stay said...

I just love you two! Talk about a perfect couple. I totally missed out on the mug thing. And I have got to tell you that you guys live in a beautiful area it was like the pictures were out of a book. The video of the two f you announcing the winner is adorable! Could there be more beautiful people? I think not! Really, you guys are infectious! You are as funny as ever, and it makes me want to take you up on your offer of one of the posts, and come and stay with you guys? I have kids what?

Anonymous said...

If the Livs and the Sheens are going to spend their weekends the same way, why not hang out together?? I demand that this flirtatious dance come to an end!!
I like the sketch of the little man & two umbrellas. Umbrellas seem to be especially celebrated in France-- maybe because Parisians sport all their accessories with great flair.

Stacy said...

Alright you love to continue to rub in our faces how artistic and cool you are right? ...Alright, you are.

P and L said...

You are dead right. We should art together. As for the umbrella men
Lindsay and I were board at French Church and so we would draw each other some abstract shape then swap them and you would have to finish off the picture. The Umbrella Men was Lindsay's interpretation of on of my shapes.

Yeah, She's brill.


S&F Seminario said...

I love the idea of your Saturday and it makes me decide you are true Europeans in American's clothing (well, no offense if you are wearing some designer European clothing which I have no doubt you do wear regularly. It was just a figure of speech which I will now finish off with) because I felt like in Italy adults didn't feel constrained by the same adultness that I've seen American adults restrained by. I mean, we had 50 and 60 year olds jumping rope with 8 year olds at the ward party when we lived in Italy. So, I think your artistic afternoon has just poured more oil into your cruz of youth and joy. Bellissimo.