Friday, November 28, 2008


Today L and I got into a fight.

She said I had to have something other than Pumpkin Pie* for dinner.

I disagreed.

Now we're not talking.

But that's because I walked away and started blogging about the conversation that I walked away from.

Now she's looking at me out of the corner of her eye.


Oh. Wait. Here she comes.... Gotta go.


*The pie in question is the one pictured above...I made that. For reals.


Unknown said...

I had pie for dinner tonight too. Two slices of pecan and a slice of triple-berry. Then tonight for a snack I had a slice of eggnog pie.

I love pie.

Christina said...

Sometimes I think we should have the meal one day and the dessert the next. As it is, we usually have the meal in the afternoon and pie for dinner.

Pie for breakfast sounds good, too.

Stacy said...

Your pumpkin pie looks fantastic (though I hate pumpkin pie because it has the consistency of barf), but your history review....I verified with my 5 year old but I believe you are a little off on the ship names, try "Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria". But, I'm sure that it was just another part of your satirical yarn about one of the most important historical events in our country's existence. (But get a load of those poor yams)
I agree with L, pie should not be eaten for dinner. It should be eaten late at night with huge amounts of whip cream and ice creams so it can sit in your stomach all night and last much longer :)