Thursday, January 17, 2008

To Sleep.

So I am all messed up. I can't sleep at night and then when I do it's until noon. Last night Lindsay put me to bed at 11:30 and I read my book (Pontoon, Garrison Keillor), then I stared at the painting we have hanging on our bed wall (it's all one room here so it's the bed wall or the couch wall, or the piano wall, every wall's got something) and I imagined what it would be like to live in that painting and how I would be bugged if the sky was always that matte blue and how there are no clouds in that painting so it would never rain, turning all that is green to brown. In the end, I decided that I would like to visit my painting, but I could never live there. That got me to about 1:30, when I decided to break out my Genius Deck that I bought from the spy museum in Washington, DC. It's 75 riddles & conundrums, and I like to make my brain work every now and then... I thought it would make it tired and then it would go to sleep.

Some riddles are easy, like:
"This kid was sitting in biology and he was smiling and when his teacher asked him why, he said, 'Because I know what has four legs and two ams.' the teacher thought and thought and could not come up with anything." What was he thinking? Well... that's right, an arm chair!

Some are harder:
"What has 21 spots but is never ill?" Don't read on till you get it!!!
It's a Die.

Then there are ones that are beyond my realm of understanding:
"An old fashioned 78 vinyl record has a diameter of 12 inches. The outside border is a 1/2 inch wide and the distance from there to the central hole is 5 1/2 inches. If you put the stylus down at the very edge of the playing area how far will the needle have traveled by the time the music stops? You and assume that there are 83 grooves to the inch."

Did you get it? Yeah, around 2:15 I went to the TV wall and watched Ratatouille. I really like that movie.

Post Script: I have the answer to the last riddle; if you get it right I'll give you a prize!

1 comment:

Miss Bliss said...

Riddles make me flash back to MGM classes in elementary school...ewwwwwwwww.