Wednesday, February 13, 2008

je t'aime

'Tis Valentine's Day! So, c'mon, give us a kiss and celebrate!

On this lovely Valentine's holiday, the fifth I've spent with my one & only, my public declaration of love for him is delivered in an exquisite sonnet by Pablo Neruda:

Soneto XXV

Before I loved you, Love, nothing was my own;
I wavered through the streets, among objects:
nothing mattered or had a name:
the world was made of air, which waited.

I knew rooms full of ashes,
tunnels where the moon lived,
rough warehouses that growled Get lost,
questions that insisted in the sand.

Everything was empty, dead, mute,
fallen, abandoned, and decayed:
inconceivably alien, it all

belonged to someone else-to no one:
till your beauty and your poverty
filled the autumn plentiful with gifts.

~ cien sonetos de amor

I love this poem, and though before him I didn't feel that my life was incomplete without Patrick, reflection has made me wiser and highlighted the rooms that were full of ashes and that he has since filled with brightness and joy. He also makes me nicer.

Incidentally, I don't think Valentine's love is limited to just significant others. So, to you, gentle readers, I offer cupid-laced wishes as well. Here's hoping that all your Valentine's fantasies are made realities, and all your Valentine's advances are met in kind.



S&F Seminario said...

You are so eloquent. I love Pablo Neruda, too, and I feel like I lost this one somehow. Thank you for sharing. You put love so well.

Momma said...

I am the happiest and luckiest momma in the world, that YOU, lovely Lindsay, love my adored son!
And I really mean it!
Love, Momma John