Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sunday Soup

Lindsay has this book and every time she dips into it is satisfies, if not amazes. Summer is loosing it's battle with fall and there is an breath of sweaters in the air. Yesterday, I took my scooter out, just for a ride, in a cardigan, and I done near froze myself to death. The sun was out and I found myself hoping for red lights so I could stop and bask, like a lizard, and fill up my solar panels before skimming again into the cold air. I should be reading 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' but I am in the middle of 'A Handmaids Tale' and am glad. I never used to reread books, the idea that I was missing out on something new to do whats been done, but even though it's not season specific, it feels like the right book for right now. Maybe it's just the crisp back to school air that tells you, 'read something'.

Friday, September 10, 2010

August gone. And with it Summer.

So here's the deal. We left NYC/Jersey and now live in Utah.

Lots of reasons: Daisy.

Lindsay has this moment where she has nothing to do but raise our daughter and write a 300 page book....which she can do from any where, so she's doing it from Utah. Daisy can be closer to her grandma's (not too close, we are living in Salt Lake...well, right now we are living in my mothers basement...again...which is wonderful and we are so lucky to have a place to absolutely CRASH which is an apt phrase when used here.)

So we took 13 days and drove our baby girl across America. It was beautiful, terrifying, wonder filled, and worthy of our pride. We took 600 pictures but all of our wires and stuff for putting pictures on blogs are in some box in my parents garage. It's worthy of a whole post anyway. This is just a little post to tell you where we are and that we made it safe and sound.

That's all.

Well, also I bought a scooter.

That's all.

A sweet little silver guy with brown leather seats.

Really all.



Lindsay wrecked it during the test drive. That's all.