Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is a good post.

Soooo..... it's happened...or, at least, it's happening. We were matched with a birth mother who is due on February 24th! So, what does that mean? Well, so far it means we walk around with glossy eyes and slanted grins, bumping into things. So far, it means we whip up a nursery following our new and simple mantra: '9 months of nesting crammed into 3 weeks!' Truthfully, we wouldn't want it any other way; the waiting is the hardest part. There are lots of things that can happen, we know, but this is an amazing time of planning and thinking and picturing and wondering and choosing and guessing and smiling; it won't be spent worrying about all the 'what ifs'. So, there you have it: our biggest adventure, by far! She will be born in Missouri and we will get a call saying, 'the birth mother is in labor, come out now!' and we'll drive like crazies across some of America and pick her up.

Yup, she' s a her.

We'll name her Daisy.



Lisa said...


Hailey said...

That's beyond awesome! Congrats!!!!

Beej said...

Mazeltov!! Oh I can't wait to meet her. Everyone say hooray!! Aunt Bexi loves ya!

Unknown said...

I'm crying. In a hotel room in Las Vegas. I am SO happy for you. No one deserves it more.

I love Daisy already!

Amy said...

I don't know what to say. It's amazing. We love you.

Rebecs said...

Congratulations!! Finally, another Livingston girl, your mom must be thrilled! Good luck with everything, may it all go perfectly!

ellen said...

Congratulations from a total stranger! :)

Lulu said...

Wow! Congrats! You guys will be awesome parents!

Traciannee said...

Congratulations Lindsay! What an amazing and exciting journey you are having. Wish you, your husband and little Daisy all the best. Can't wait to see pictures.

Your friend from the 1st ward,

Ken Craig said...

Dear Livingstons,
You will be amazing parents. Daisy will marinate in love. She is so very fortunate and we are so happy for you guys.

Much love,
Ken and Katie Craig

S&F Seminario said...

I am still thinking about you guys all the time and this amazing miracle. And I love that comment about marinating in love. SO true. I just cannot WAIT for you guys. I have no words to describe how happy we are for you. YAY!!!! (and please post pics of the nursery)

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I am so happy for you two! Enjoy the ride! Three weeks! Wahooo!

Did I mention that my son (who happens to be adopted) came three weeks early?! Just food for thought.

Christie Gardiner said...

How did I miss this? This is wonderful! Linds (and Patrick ;) ) I am so very happy for you! YAY YAY YAY!

Lauren said...

This IS a good post, the very best post actually! I am so happy for you guys. CONGRATULATIONS.

Christina said...

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! I'm a little nervous for you (three weeks???) and SO HAPPY! I can't wait for you to meet her so the rest of us can meet her, then to hear all about the happy Daisy daze you will be in for the rest of your lives.

Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy for you!

FishinFamily said...

SSSOOOOOOO happy for you! Congratulations!!! We thought we'd have 6 weeks to prepare and ended up with less than 72 hours. Thankfully, our 'wait' time was short because I'm like you...waiting is the hard part. Have an amazing time getting ready. So excited to see little miss Daisy. =)

kerry said...

That is SO exciting... It takes me back to the waiting anxiety days. The hardest few weeks to endure by far. I hardly slept. Good luck with the waiting! I'm so excited for you. Adoption is amazing and wonderful. Congratulations! I'll pray that there are no snags or difficulties for you all...

Kristen said...

This is so fabulous for you two! I love the "marinated in love" comment, it is so true. I can feel your glowing happiness all the way in Henderson:)

Mandy and Jason said...

We're very excited for the both of you and hope that everything goes according to plan.

Naomi said...

CONGRATULATIONS you two! I can't even explain how excited I am for you guys to add a little one to your cute family! Yayyyyyyyyy! BTW, cute bunny "P"!

Ace said...

Wonderful news. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! And Daisy is such a great name. Love you guys.

Carma said...

Congratulations!! I heard the good news today and had to come read all about it!

Matt Mattson said...

I have a lump in my throat. Pick her up from Missouri on a bicycle built for two!

em said...

I am SOOOOOO happy for you guys! Daisy is the luckiest baby EVER to get you guys as her parents!