Friday, April 24, 2009

A Poem.

My good friend, and manager at work, is leaving. I really have loved working with her and on her last meeting in the store I gave her this poem I wrote. I like it; however, it turned out a little gayer than I had set out for. But, it is sincere.

A Leaving Poem.

And so you click your heels
and set off back home,

but just for a bit.

Then to Maine,

and not Kansas.

And we are left,
those you picked up along
the way.

But what do we do? Those left.

You brought us together:
These lions.
These poppies.

What do we do with the space

where our courage should be?
where our brains should be?
our hearts?

So take your shoes

and leave us




We are the changed
for the better;
but in color.

As you say goodbyes, one by one,
whereever your next tornado takes you,

I will miss you most of all.



Unknown said...

I approve. And I had a creative writing emphasis in my English degree at the BY, so I know what I am talking out.

And PS, none of my employees would ever write a poem when I left.

Lulu said...

I love poems. That was real good.

Christie Gardiner said...

Oh I loved that!

Anonymous said...

When I was a girl, gay meant happy.

Now Justin will feel better about going solo to Wicked last week & sitting next to a bunch of Utah women belting out the lyrics to "Popular."

He'll also feel better about insisting on telling me the entire story of Elphaba's plight while we were at the zoo, even though I wanted none of it.

In all sincerity though, it is a marvelously gracious goodbye poem.

Momma said...

I love the new Crane Aloft and The Earthbound Peacock format, and the good-by poem is spectacular! I read my old Mother's day poem from missionary days and it too is spectacular!
Thank you again, and Lindsay for the first time, for the thoughtful, extravagant, lovely gift. You guys are such sweet kids
and it is a gift to be your mom. (I am still basking in my Mother's Dayness, as you might can tell). Love forever, Momma